Specifications︰ | You can use your mobiphone or computer sent Messages to the device,and it will show on TV Screen. |
Advantages︰ | GSM SMS add to AV signal GSM SMS add to AV signal is mainly used in the video signal added on TV screen, such as Chinese, characters, simple graphics, etc. Video input signal can be cameras, VCD/DVD, such analog video signal can be directly add characters and output to television, monitor or TFT LCD etc. You can send SMS to set the size of characters, the content of characters and moving characters display, the device can save Settings. The device is small, can be used in the customer product system. GSM SMS add to AV signal application: Adopts video surveillance area, such as time and places monitoring, video display add information, Adopts video promotion, the outdoor advertising business, such as supermarket centralized management... , Responding to data collection The visual system adopts intelligent region of information real-time display , Adopts video screen, factory real-time manage, Adopts video car insert real-time ads information, audio and video products, Adopts video monitor and control of industrial information display, The product adopts security monitoring and alarm, Responding to airport, station, bank, hospital, and public places where monitoring and information real-time display is needs A, instructions: (1) screen clearing: 1 # (0-7) # default: 1 Function: the screen color when no character display, Numerical range: 0-7, respectively, black, blue, red, green, blue, magenta, yellow and white (2) the letter size: 3 # (0-3) # default: 0 Function: letter size, Numerical range: 0-3,0: standard. 1: W. 2: Wx2H. 3: Wx2H (3) letter colors: 4 # 1 (0-7 parameters 1) # 2 (0-7 parameters 2) Function: parameters 1 for the letters, the default letter color :7, Parameters 2 for background color:1) ,Numerical range: 0-7: black, blue, red, green, blue, magenta, yellow, white) (4) add display character content: # 5 display content (5) modify the password: 9 # code (0-6) # ,default: 123456 B brief instructions: (1) first inset SIM card into the base,put power on, waiting for the lights flashing Orange, then turns green ,if 60 seconds passby ,it still flashing Orange show initialization failed, check SIM card up and the power. Note: the reset manufactured Settings: press reset button again, then power on ,wait red led light show the device success reset. C, about the lamp (1) the green light: the idle state (2) the red flashing: processing text (3) the orange flashing: connection network state D,SMS operation (in the green state) (1) send message content to show on screen Example: 123456 # 5 # stars new technology development Co., LTD. (shows character "stars new technology development Co., LTD.") (2) set letters size Example: 123456 # 3 # 2 # (size display characters into 2 times width, 2 times), (3) set letters colors Example: 123456 # 4 # 0 # 6 # (set the letters is black, and background is yellow), (4) screen clearing Example: 123456 # 1 # 1 # (no letter on screen,and the background of screen is blue)
Note: when the device receive SMS well,it answer you OK. when the device receive SMS bad,it answer you ERROR.you may resend again
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